December 31, 2005
New Year's Eve bike ride - Trial run day 5

December 30, 2005
New Year's Eve Eve

December 29, 2005
Belated holiday get together

December 29, 2005
But tonight I’m just going to add it to this post – I’ll work more tomorrow. It was an excellent holiday celebration. My nieces and brothers and sisters and in-laws and family are fantastic. Not to mention my dogs. I am an extremely fortunate person.
December 28, 2005
Yukon stuff

Trial Run Day 2 - Fountain Lake

December 27, 2005
Trial run, by Fred
December 27, 2005
December 21, 2005
First day of winter!
December 20, 2005
Okay... new version, up and running
The NEW first post
Just FYI - I began this blog a couple of weeks ago under a different title. I decided to change the title before it got too big, so I just took everything off it (there were only four short posts) and put it over here. On to the second post.
blogspotInit(); Get your wagon unstuck
Thursday, December 08, 2005
To the river...
We leave eight weeks from today for The Trip. Ivory and Nicky and I went down to the river early this morning for a walk and to test out some of our cold weather gear. And to see what it felt like to use my tiny little camera while I was wearing gloves!
This morning when I looked at the weather forecast for
I'm including a picture of the dogs from this morning. They're handsome guys and incredibly well behaved - but they don't pose for pictures very well!
posted by Jay McLaughlin at 13:17 0 comments
Monday, November 28, 2005
Info about the Yukon Quest
This is the home page for the Yukon Quest:
Yukon Quest
posted by Jay McLaughlin at 15:39 0 comments
Monday, November 28, 2005
I'm learning to blog. I'm also working on my web site. And if you're wondering about "Get your wagon unstuck," it's from a little maxim I heard somewhere and try to live by - "God will help you get your wagon unstuck, but only if you push it."
I'm also going to get a picture of my dogs in here soon. Today.
November, 2005
posted by Jay McLaughlin at 14:22 0 comments
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The first post
It's 1030 PM (2230) EST on Saturday, November 26, 2005 - the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. And this is the first post of my blog as I prepare to depart with my dogs for
I'll add more when I figure out what I'm doing with this thing. That is, with this blog.
posted by Jay McLaughlin at 01:23 0 comments