February 25, 2006
…for one person to have this much fun. Besides being the weekend of the Quest banquet, this is the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous festival. They had several streets closed off. One of the events was a single dog sled pull. We got there just at the end of the middle weight class – and they were pulling – with one dog – 544 pounds! This monster standing behind Ivory was in the heavy weight class, since he weighed over 100 pounds. He was half St. Bernard and half Bernese mountain dog. We didn’t stay around for his pull. He was a real sweetie, though.
I had to include Nicky with this little kid; Nicky was being a perfect gentleman, the kid was kissing him, he was the perfect dog. I was so impressed. Nicky was just loving every minute of it.
The third picture is one of probably thirty or forty incredible pieces of snow sculpture. I got a big kick out of the clever name.
All that stuff – and there were at least four F-18’s doing takeoffs and landings out of the airport and practicing maneuvers right overhead and right over the river. It was just too much fun. They were difficult to photograph – as soon as you’d hear them and look up, they were gone.
Anyway, maybe another post after the Quest banquet – we’ll see. Except for the food, I’m normally not that fond of banquets. But the lead dogs of the winning team get the "Golden Harness Award" which includes a steak dinner at the banquet. So that will be worth seeing, if nothing else.
Anyway, maybe more later or maybe more next time we get on the net – outside of the Yukon :(
Until then, have a great day,
Jay, Ivory and Nicky
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