February 18, 2006
Yesterday’s jaunt with the puppies on the Takhini River was hard to top and we took it a little bit easy today. We helped out at the Quest office a little bit and went around delivering some packages to the homes and businesses of a few Quest supporters in downtown Whitehorse and in a few neighborhoods in the area. The one we spent the most time in, Riverdale, looked amazingly similar to a lot of neighborhoods around Richmond, VA, only a little bit smaller and a lot snowier. And every car had a plug coming out of the grill to plug block heaters into. And there were always great views of the mountains in the background, as you can see a little bit in these pictures.
I don’t know if the weather forecast is accurate, but temperatures next week are predicted to go down to -13º F (-25º C). I’ve seen temperatures here down to 4º F (-16º C) and I’ve spent several hours outdoors at 9º F (-13º C). It’s always been sunny and if you’re active and it’s not breezy, it honestly doesn’t feel at all uncomfortable. But it’s a long, long way from 9º F to -13º F. I’ll let you know how it feels! It would be a shame to get out of here without experiencing a really deep freeze anyway. Just as an aside, even the Canadians I’ve talked with think -13º F is cold. Anyway, have a great day,
Jay, Ivory and Nicky
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