In Rawlins, WY, outside a Comfort Inn. Sweet. Hard day w/the car running hot, etc., but nice. A couple pre-written posts:
February 4, 2006
Made it to Laramie…
…after a great dinner in Denver with Shane’s friends Brian and Jennifer and their two daughters Lauren and Kaela – their son Logan slept through the whole thing – plus their yellow Lab Bascombe kept Ivory and Nicky entertained. And Brian fixed a missing bolt from my car top carrier and their daughters held the flashlight while I put water in the radiator! The car heated up a lot coming into eastern Colorado and I had to put some anti-freeze in it. It made it into Denver without a great deal of difficulty. I didn’t check the elevation at Brian’s house but just call it 5,280’. When we got onto I-80 W between Cheyenne, WY and Laramie WY, we went up to 8,640’ and that car was running way too hot. Even though it was only in the low-thirties out and I had the heat going full blast. Then it finally cooled off as we had around a ten-mile downhill into Laramie. The altitude here at the hotel is 7,160’, so we practically coasted down here. The car is parked outside room 145 at the Motel 6 in Laramie; the parking space is at:
N 41º17’41.4” x W105º35’23.7”
So we’re definitely getting out west.
Sorry about not putting pictures up; I have a few that Ruth took and a couple that one of her students took and two we took at Brian and Jennifer’s but I haven’t been able to upload them! Soon, though. And when I get to the Yukon I’ll have a reliable connection so I’ll be more reliable about posting.
I nearly forgot – the mileage when we parked outside the room today is: 113,622.
Since we started at 111,745, we’ve driven 1,877 miles. Three days of driving, averaging 625 miles/day. Anyway, time for bed. And if I haven’t said this before, thanks for all the emails. Perhaps when we get up to the Yukon and settle down for a couple of weeks I’ll have more time to reply. And I’ll have a reliable web connection too!
I actually enjoyed driving through Kansas today. The weather was nice, the sky was blue, the music was pleasant, it was an enjoyable way to spend a few hours.
Well, the dogs are sacked out – I need to get some sleep myself! I look forward to seeing you all again,
Car trouble!
February 5, 2006
Coming into eastern Colorado yesterday and climbing up to about 4,500’, the car got real, real hot. So I cooled it off and topped off the radiator and cut my speed down and it made it to Brian’s house in Denver with no problem. The radiator was down a little bit there and I topped it back off before I left and it ran fine out of Denver and all the way up to Cheyenne then when I turned west toward Laramie and began climbing more, the heat went back up! It ran hot the whole way to Laramie but we made it okay. We’ll see what our next move is.
Anyway, back on the road. Life is good!
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