February 02, 2006

February 2, 2006

February 2, 2006

Yukon bound!

Starting mileage: 111,745. It’s pitch dark outside and in a couple of minutes I’ll be turning this computer off, packing it up, throwing it in the car, then the dogs and we’re off to: Starbucks! The car is already fueled up and the dogs and I are eating breakfast right now – this minute – and we’ll head down and fill up the thermoses and head up to 64 west and head for the Yukon!

I’m nervous – I’ll admit it. This is going to be a long trip and it will be hard to be away from all my friends and loved ones for so long. But thanks for the great, great support I’ve gotten as I’ve prepared and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again in March.

If I miss a night or two of writing, don’t be concerned – it’s because the place where I’m spending the night doesn’t have an internet connection. But no matter how tired I am, if I have an internet connection I’m going to put up at least a paragraph and a picture.

Also, I pick Pat up at the airport in Vancouver, British Columbia at 12:30 PM on Wednesday, February 8. And once I leave BC, that’s it for cell phone service until I get back to BC, probably at the end of February or the beginning of March. But my hotel in the Yukon has an internet connection, so I’ll definitely be in e-contact the whole time.

You’re all great – I’ll be thinking about you when Ivory and Nicky and I are up in the Yukon shivering! See you in March,




Anonymous said...

Go Jay, Go!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jay: was thinking of you today as you set off on this journey.

God Speed! Looking FWD to some good pics.